eLearning solutions for your workplace
Streamline onboarding and meet compliance requirements with simple, affordable solutions.

Turn your static PowerPoints and policies into interactive eLearning courses
Save Time With Off-The-Shelf courses
Continuum offers the most popular courses ready to purchase, helping businesses of all sizes to meet Workplace Health and Safety regulations in Australia.
Save time and effort in administering training
Increase productivity with a streamlined training process
Automate reporting with accurate tracking of training and compliance.
Reduce injuries & incidents in the workplace
Meet compliance and avoid costly legal issues
Make your job easier and less stressful
Write your awesome label here.
Your One-Stop Partner for eLearning
Our goal is to make it easier for small and medium businesses to transform their static materials into dynamic, cost-effective eLearning courses.
Here are 3 ways we can help your organisation:
Here are 3 ways we can help your organisation:
Off-the-shelf Courses
We offer a growing catalog of on-demand, high quality, interactive training for your workers to learn health and safety regulations on their own time from any device.
PowerPoint conversion
Let us convert your static Powerpoint into an interactive SCORM eLearning course that is professionally branded.
eLearning development
Looking for custom online course development? We will work with your subject matter experts to help you get it done.
What Clients Say About Us
The migration was great! The transition was smooth, there was no disruptions to operations and we were very content with the process management.
The migration went well.
The fun bit we have now is using our new system to the full capacity and entering and creating workflows with our training.
The fun bit we have now is using our new system to the full capacity and entering and creating workflows with our training.
doral mineral sands
I felt the process went exceptionally well. The communication from Continuum was great and ensured a seamless process.